Green hacks

Back to School Jitters?

April 13, 2021 (Tue)  |  By Cheah Chee Yean  |  In Green Hacks

The kids are going back to school but this time around it is the parents who are worrying. Are the SOPs being enforced and strictly monitored. What are we going to get them for lunch? Are they going to wash their hands frequently? Questions, questions & questions.

There is no guarantee that attending classes will be risk free even with a strictly compliant SOP in place. Having said that, we must not forget physical attendance in the school environment is crucial for the children as it is where they will learn how to socialize, communicate and pick up social living skills.
We are of the opinion that personal wellbeing should be our own responsibility first and foremost so we see the benefit of reinforcing the SOPs to further safeguard our children's safety in the school environment. How can we do that?

1. Leading by example, the education of hygiene & sanitation best practises must start from home.

2. One example is the importance of frequent handwashing; to inculcate the habit, try singing the birthday song twice together while showing them how to wash their hands thoroughly to make it fun.

3. Parents should be seen practising good hygiene (like heading straight to the shower when you get home). Frequent repetition especially if you can make these activities fun will result in them becoming habitual.

4. Science has proven that touching our face is a habit we don't notice. Again, working out fun ways at home to manage this habit will see a reduce risk to your children when in school.

5. Face mask, how to put it on and remove the mask properly. Pack a spare mask & explain under what circumstances and conditons a soiled or wet mask should be replaced.

6. Physical distancing. Work out games at home that would give visual awareness to children as to how far apart a metre is.

7. Meal times will be challenging as students will have to eat-in-place so it would be good to purchase a kid friendly tiffin or airtight lunch box so your kids doesn't have to deal with a messy or greasy table after lunch.

8. For many kids it may be their first exposure to an array of hand sanitizers or surface disinfection so it would be best to get your kid a personal bottle of kid friendly sanitizers. Some sanitizers may not be suitable for children.

9. If you have not already done it, you can personally visit your children's school to satisfy yourself that the SOPs are in place.

Good hygiene & sanitation habits are essential not only in battling the COVID19 pandemic but for our continued wellbeing. Parents and children alike, we cannot be too complacent as the onus is now on us, all 32.7 million Malaysians, to continue having self-control,following the SOPs and get out of this pandemic stronger.

The kids are going back to school but this time around it is the parents who are worrying. Are the SOPs being enforced and strictly monitored. What are we going to get them for lunch? Are they going to wash their hands frequently? Questions, questions & questions.

There is no guarantee that attending classes will be risk free even with a strictly compliant SOP in place. Having said that, we must not forget physical attendance in the school environment is crucial for the children as it is where they will learn how to socialize, communicate and pick up social living skills.
We are of the opinion that personal wellbeing should be our own responsibility first and foremost so we see the benefit of reinforcing the SOPs to further safeguard our children's safety in the school environment. How can we do that?

1. Leading by example, the education of hygiene & sanitation best practises must start from home.

2. One example is the importance of frequent handwashing; to inculcate the habit, try singing the birthday song twice together while showing them how to wash their hands thoroughly to make it fun.

3. Parents should be seen practising good hygiene (like heading straight to the shower when you get home). Frequent repetition especially if you can make these activities fun will result in them becoming habitual.

4. Science has proven that touching our face is a habit we don't notice. Again, working out fun ways at home to manage this habit will see a reduce risk to your children when in school.

5. Face mask, how to put it on and remove the mask properly. Pack a spare mask & explain under what circumstances and conditons a soiled or wet mask should be replaced.

6. Physical distancing. Work out games at home that would give visual awareness to children as to how far apart a metre is.

7. Meal times will be challenging as students will have to eat-in-place so it would be good to purchase a kid friendly tiffin or airtight lunch box so your kids doesn't have to deal with a messy or greasy table after lunch.

8. For many kids it may be their first exposure to an array of hand sanitizers or surface disinfection so it would be best to get your kid a personal bottle of kid friendly sanitizers. Some sanitizers may not be suitable for children.

9. If you have not already done it, you can personally visit your children's school to satisfy yourself that the SOPs are in place.

Good hygiene & sanitation habits are essential not only in battling the COVID19 pandemic but for our continued wellbeing. Parents and children alike, we cannot be too complacent as the onus is now on us, all 32.7 million Malaysians, to continue having self-control,following the SOPs and get out of this pandemic stronger.